3 Important Dental Emergencies That Require An Immediate Dentist Office Visit

It can be hard for some individuals to determine if they have a dental emergency or an issue that can be handled at a standard dentist office visit. Emergency dental situations may involve mouth trauma, severe pain, swelling, or life-threatening risks. The following points highlight a few situations that should be viewed as dental emergencies.  


An oral infection may present itself with recognizable swelling. Gum infections, such as gingivitis, will cause gum swelling, which is usually accompanied by bleeding. Individuals may see the blood or it may be minor bleeding that is hardly recognizable. Swollen and bleeding gums should be viewed as an emergency if an individual is also having pain. Otherwise, a standard dentist office visit should be scheduled as soon as possible.

A swollen jaw is indicative of a serious infection, such as an abscessed tooth. These infections are dangerous because if the abscesses burst, the pus-filled sacs can release bacteria into the bloodstream. This can create a life-threatening situation. 

Severe Toothache

A toothache issue can be temporarily handled at home if the dentist's office is not open. Individuals can use over-the-counter pain medications and cold compresses to manage the pain. An emergency dental appointment at the dentist's office will need to be scheduled. They can determine the cause of the pain.

Common causes are exposed nerves, tooth decay, cracked teeth, or infections. These are all issues that a dentist has to fix. Individuals cannot correct them at home. Pain medications for toothaches only provide temporary relief. Individuals who rely on them will soon find that they no longer work and have to seek professional treatment. 

Missing or Loose Dental Work

These are dental emergencies because they can cause oral complications. Loose and missing dental work such as fillings, crowns, or dental implants must be treated as soon as the issue is noted. Dental fillings and crowns that are no longer affixed pose an infection risk and may promote tooth decay. Individuals may also experience pain because their teeth will no longer be protected.

Loose dental implants may be able to be restored by dentists using complex restoration processes. It is considered implant failure if a dental implant completely dislodges from its socket. These individuals will require a dental examination and possibly a bone graft to restore bone tissue in the jaw. The dentist will need to determine what caused the implant to fail before planning a new procedure. 

A dentist is the best resource for individuals to use if they are not sure they have a dental emergency. Many dentists leave open room in their scheduling for these unfortunate situations. Same-day visits to a dentist's office for an emergency situation can help individuals prevent tooth loss and not have to endure pain. 

Contact a local dentist to learn more. 
