Three Dental Symptoms That Warrant Wisdom Tooth Removal

Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars that appear when a person is between their late teens and early twenties. Because they are the last teeth to grow, they can often cause dental problems in people because they usually force their way into the dental alignment. If you have a small jaw, the wisdom teeth may push the set of second molars to the point you experience discomfort or severe pain.

Thus, in such instances, a dentist may recommend wisdom tooth removal. However, before the need to remove wisdom teeth arises, there are various signs that a dentist will notice that may warrant removing the wisdom teeth. Hence, here are three signs that indicate you need wisdom teeth removal.  

Inflammation and Infections

As mentioned earlier, wisdom teeth are the last set of teeth to develop. If the wisdom teeth develop too late, they will not have sufficient space to develop properly. As a result, the wisdom teeth will force their way into an already limited space. Thus, the wisdom teeth will have to push the already developed second molars, resulting in tooth impaction.

Tooth impaction is the separation of a tooth from the gums. When this happens, it is common for an individual to experience bleeding gums. However, the bleeding gums also provide a breeding ground for bacteria, leading to inflammation and gum infections.

Once the inflammation sets in, it usually starts to spread to other areas of the gums, which can lead to painful and swollen gums. Thus, if you experience gum inflammation or an infection around the areas where your wisdom teeth are developing, you need wisdom teeth removal services.

Overcrowded Teeth

As mentioned above, when wisdom teeth develop late, they usually find limited space on your jaw to develop. Thus, the wisdom teeth try to occupy an already occupied space which results in overcrowding. Therefore, the developing wisdom teeth have to push the already developed molars aside to find room for development.

However, the pushing action often results in the molars shifting in place. Thus, there is a chance that your wisdom teeth could result in a misalignment. Though you could get braces to fix the misalignment, it is a more expensive treatment compared to wisdom teeth removal.

Therefore, when a dentist notices that your wisdom teeth development is causing misalignment, they will usually recommend wisdom tooth removal instead of braces.

Damage to Adjacent Teeth and Jaws Structure

Sometimes, wisdom teeth will push the second molars to the point they get damaged. The damage usually occurs when too much pressure gets exerted on the second molars to the point their roots start to fracture.

Alternatively, if the tooth roots don't fracture, they will also start to shift inside the jaw. Tooth roots are permanently fixed on the jaw for support. Thus excessive movement could result in damage to the jaws. If this happens, you will notice sharp pains emanating from your jaws around the wisdom teeth.

Thus, if you notice sharp pains in your jaws around the area where your wisdom teeth and second molars are, it could be a sign you need to have the wisdom teeth removed. 

For more information, contact a local dentist, such as Dr. Robert M. Lasell, DDS.
