Adult Braces Options That Aren't As Noticeable As Traditional Braces

If you want to straighten your teeth as adult, you may need to bite the bullet and get braces. While some people think that braces are just for preteens and teens, many adults have these appliances. Still, some adults want to draw as little attention as possible to their braces. Thankfully, there are many great appliances that are less noticeable than traditional braces—take a look.

Ceramic Braces

Ceramic braces look very similar to traditional braces, except the brackets are made of either ceramics or porcelain. They do a great job at moving your teeth and aren't noticeable. Some people say they don't irritate your mouth as much as metal braces.

One downside of ceramic braces is that they are porous, so if you eat and drink staining foods—like tea—then the ceramic can stain as well. And if your teeth are stained from tea, coffee, etc., then the ceramic braces may look too bright on your teeth and stick out more. Lastly, ceramic braces are much more expensive than traditional braces, so you will have to talk with your dentist about insurance costs.

Damon Clear Braces

If you want to straighten your teeth quickly and you want discreet braces, damon clear braces are a great option. This is a recent system that uses high-tech archwires and tieless brackets that are more comfortable than other braces options. They have clear brackets, so they are much less noticeable than traditional braces. The brackets are also smaller in size compared to traditional braces.

The downside is that they may not be covered by your dental plan, and like any other braces system, you may have sore teeth and gums as your teeth reposition.


If invisibility is the most important aspect of braces to you, then Invisalign and other clear trays are your best bet. Invisalign is more comfortable than traditional braces, and they are removable so you have more options when eating food since the trays must be removed.

One downside of Invisalign is that they are only good for people that require minimal changes. If your teeth are very crooked, then Invisalign may not work.

Lingual Braces

Lingual braces, like Invisalign, are practically invisible. Instead of having brackets attached to the front of your teeth, lingual braces are attached to the backside.

One downside of lingual braces is that you may develop a lisp at first from the appliance. You may also have pain initially since the brackets will rub your tongue and the inside of your mouth. However, you can use dental wax to prevent this issue.

Every options has its pros and cons. Talk with an orthodontist at offices like Donald E. Snyder Orthodontics for more information about these methods to help you decide the best route for your needs.
